Interpol vs Europol: What’s the difference?
Europol and Interpol are often perceived as similar organizations, as they are both involved in the fight against crime, but they differ significantly in terms of their functions and geographical coverage. Interpol has a global reach and brings together countries from all over the world, while Europol focuses exclusively on the borders of the European Union.
What is Interpol?
Interpol is a global organization established in 1923 to promote cooperation between police forces and national authorities from different countries in the fight against international crime. Its activities cover a wide range of crimes, including terrorism, drug trafficking, child sexual abuse, cybercrime, and human trafficking. It aids in international law enforcement even where diplomatic relations are absent.
Headquartered in Lyon, France, INTERPOL has seven regional offices and a National Central Bureau in each member country, with the UK bureau located in Manchester’s NCA office. It consists of a General Secretariat responsible for day-to-day operations and a General Assembly that meets once a year to make important decisions.
Despite its effectiveness, Interpol does not conduct its own investigations and has no arrest powers. Its main role is to facilitate the exchange of information and coordinate the actions of national and other police forces and international law enforcement agencies. One of its key tools to achieve that is the Red Notice, or international arrest warrant, which is a request for the detention of persons wanted for extradition or prosecution.
What is Europol?
Unlike the INTERPOL (international criminal police organization), Europol is a law enforcement agency operating within the European Union agency and can also be defined as the European Police Office. This is the official intelligence agency of the European Union.
The Europol was established in 1998 to fight organized crime and terrorism in EU member states. Its activities focus on crimes that cross EU borders, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, financial fraud, and cybercrime. Europol’s structure consists of operational and analytical units that provide member states with other law enforcement agencies with the necessary support in their investigations.
Although Europol, like Interpol, does not have the power to make arrests or conduct investigations on its own, it acts as a key platform for information exchange and cooperation, helping EU law enforcement agencies to tackle crime jointly.
Key differences
Interaction between police forces worldwide through Interpol and Europol is possible regarding international crime, covering both EU and non-EU countries. However, it is important to remember that there are significant differences in functions and geographical jurisdiction between police agencies.
one of the key points that define Interpol Europol differences is their approaches to fighting organized crime. As such, anyone who needs legal assistance, or criminal information, including advice from Interpol lawyers liaison officers, or the Europol information system should contact specialists who understand the specifics of the work of both organizations.
The main difference between Interpol and Europol is their scope of action. Interpol operates globally and covers more than 196 countries, while Europol focuses only on EU member states. This is reflected in the geographical area of their operations and their approach to work.
Interpol specializes in criminal intelligence and issuing ‘red notices’, which are international requests for the arrest and extradition of individuals, while Europol provides operational and analytical support in criminal investigations within the member countries of the EU.
INTERPOL covers a wide range of crimes, including terrorism, organised crime, money laundering, cybercrime, and other forms of international crime. Its main goal is to coordinate cooperation between national and international law enforcement and agencies and to facilitate the extradition of criminals.
Europol, the international criminal police commission on the other hand, specializes in crimes affecting the security of the European Union, and criminal activities such as illegal migration, human trafficking, cybercrime, and terrorism-related threats.
Broader coverage vs specialization
If we compare Interpol vs Europol, Interpol has a much wider geographical reach. It unites countries and international police organizations from all over the world, providing international support in investigations and searching for criminals. This international approach makes INTERPOL an indispensable organization in the fight against global crime.
Interpol’s function is to ensure close cooperation between law enforcement agencies of different countries and the exchange of information, which is critical for crime prevention and the apprehension of international criminals.
In contrast, Europol has limited jurisdiction over various crimes, focusing on security issues within member countries of the European Union. Its work is to support the member countries and states in the fight against organized crime, terrorism, and cybercrime. Although Europol has a less extensive reach, its specialization in specific crimes makes it a key player for member countries in maintaining EU security.
Contact Interpol lawyers
If you are faced with legal issues related to Interpol’s activities or need assistance with international criminal law enforcement matters, it is important to contact experienced Interpol lawyers. Our specialists will help you understand the legal aspects of your situation and provide you with the necessary support in matters of international criminal law enforcement, cooperation agreement, police organization, or search.
Don’t risk your freedom and legal security – contact lawyers who know the specifics of Interpol’s work and can provide expert advice today.